Can you help me? If you don’t know, I am in the process of writing a non-fiction book that aims to help writers create the best villains possible.
In order to make sure the book is as helpful as possible, I want it to capture everything that would be useful to a writer, so I’ve created a survey, if you have a few minutes I’d be super snog your face off grateful if you filled it in and if you have another moment, shared the survey with a fellow pen-rat to fill in.
Ta muchly, SB xx
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Villainous Survey Response’][contact-field label=’What aspect (or aspects) do you find most difficult when writing villains?’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’What aspect (or aspects) do you find easiest when writing villains?’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’What parts of writing craft books do you find most useful i.e. sheets, summaries, bolded text for important sections, or something else?’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’ What do you find a least helpful in writing craft books? (i.e. worksheets, summaries etc)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’In your opinion who is the best (or your favourite) villain of all time AND WHY? (It can be from a film or book)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’What would you find most helpful in a writing craft book about creating better villains?’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’Can you tell me a little about your self? What do you write? Fiction, Non-fiction or Both? And what genres?’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’How long have you been writing? Would you consider yourself an amateur or expert writer? Have you published any books/shorts/articles?’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’I may have some follow up questions, would you be willing to be contacted about your answers at a later date? If so, please leave your email address below.’ type=’email’/][/contact-form] What aspect (or aspects) do you find most difficult when writing villains?
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This is a good page. It is well thought out and has a very good concept. It is a very clever idea to have a survey to get writers to suggest their ideas about writing villains. I have given my answers to the survey as I thought that it would be worth my while filling it in as I like to express things when I read blogs so thank you very much for the pleasure of asking me what I think. The blogs I comment on are usually ones I regularly read and I generally post comments on blogs that I follow to express what thoughts and ideas I can bring to the colourful world of writing and reading.
Thanks so much, I appreciate you stopping in to read it, have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks a lot for liking my comments. I am really greateful that you showed an interest that I visited your page and read the content you’ve published there. It gives me pleasure and satisfaction that my content is good enough and has some interest and appeal towards readers when they like it. I really appreciate the feedback on the comments I place on other people’s blogs as well that I am following.
Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
Go to Sacha’s original post to type your answers in the boxes below each question and press the Submit button at the bottom of the post ??
Thanks Chris π π *big cheesey grin
Hope you got lots of responses Sacha ?
I have, some really really useful stuff I’m so pleased I did it, and thank you for the support – It’s going to take me a while to wade through the data!
Great ?
Done, and done. π
You star thank you so much
Haven’t written a story with a good villain, but I’ll repost on my blog to advance you’re cause!
Ahh but that’s okay, I’m interested in the things you find hardest about writing good villains ? thank you so much for sharing, really appreciate it
Tried my best but it was so hard since I don’t write fiction. Hope you don’t mind it, Sacha!
I am super grateful for your support Erika <3 <3 thank you so much for taking the time to fill it in.
Of course, Sache! Always with pleasure ?
Submitted my thoughts and hoping they prove to be more than rabid ramblings.
Haha, I am sure they are just perfect thank you so much for taking the time to help me ??
Sent my comments along, Sacha. Good luck!
You’re a star thank you so much ?
Done! Is it valid to say the hardest thing about writing villains is knowing what’s not working and why?
You absolute hero and I notice you just came to WordPress, very exciting π and yup everything is valid ?? thank you
Sorry, Sacha. I’m not help with villainous thoughts!
Ahh don’t worry Norah, I appreciate all your other support <3
Not sure I can help – my villains tend to be comedy ones – but I’ve shared in case someone out there can!
Thanks so much Annabelle ? I appreciate the support
Reblogged this on Don Massenzio's Blog.
Thanks Don, you’re a hero
You’re welcome
That was a lot of fun! π
Well thank you so much for participating π
Didn’t think I’d be able to help with this, but I’ve answered all the questions truthfully. I hope it helps, Sacha.
Yay thank you so much ??
Great survey Sach. You are right on top of your game by requesting feedback! xo π
Thank you my lovely, it certainly helped and thank you for your contribution too <3
Happy to share my two cents ya know! <3
I’m late to all the fun parties. Thanks for posting–and I hope there’s a blog post condensing what you glean from us.
How about a whole book on villains instead! Hope to publish in the spring!
A tip I like- give every single character a trait you admire at least a little bit. Even the villains. Hope it helps a little π
That’s actually a fantastic idea, thank you π
I just spent an hour filling it out and as I was typing in my email but before I finished it started sending on my phone and I looked down and it said message sent back ugh I got so fristsadrd. I’m already late for Turkey day lol. ?/! You check and see iif by chance if came through it’s very long with a lot of villains
Go eat turkey I have a lovely long email response to read thank you so much ???