If you don’t know what the Bloggers Bash is by now, then you must live in the dark ages. It’s an annual get-together for bloggers from any platform blogging about any content, from any country in the world (although the event itself is held in London).
This year the bash is on the 10th June, you can buy your tickets from here.
Last year, we had a lovely guest speaker, Lucca from WordPress. This year, we have two amazing guest speakers planned… for those of you who attended, be assured their presentations are much shorter! (announcements soon)
BUT we also want to host a panel debate.
SO, what I need from those of you attending or even those who aren’t and would like to see the video footage. Is an email with suggestions for what kinds of content you would like debated. Would prefer one narrow topic, a wide one, or a free for all Q&A session.
What’s the one blogging or writing question you would like answered?
This will help us choose the right speakers/panel guests, to ensure we have the skills and knowledge on the board to answer all the questions.
FYI, Stephen King and Joanna Penn are too expensive!
I’ve closed comments because should we ask bloggers in the ‘sphere’ to be on the panel, we want them to be blind to the questions! It’s a debate after all.
So drop me a line to annualbloggersbash@yahoo.co.uk and let me know what you think.