As you know by now, 2017 brings 52 challenges over 52 weeks.
Your weekly challenge has been to write your story using the weekly theme/prompt and write it in just 52 words…. EXACTLY, no more, no less.
But this week, we have something a little different.
In celebration of launching my book 13 Steps To Evil yesterday. I’m running a competition with prizes.
To enter the writespiration competition you need to:
Write a piece of fiction with the most superbad villain you can in exactly 208 words.
Because this competition will run for four weeks, and writespiration this year is 52 words in 52 weeks, I’ve added all four weeks word counts together. So you will have EXACTLY 208 words to write this story/villainous piece of flash.
What am I looking for? A seriously kick-ass villain. That’s it. It can be a short story, poetry, flash, or even an excerpt from an unpublished story.
A seriously kick-ass villain. That’s it. It can be a short story, poetry, flash, or even an excerpt from an unpublished story. But it has to be about a villain and it must be 208 words exactly.
How To Enter:
Send your entry with your name, website (if you have one) email address, twitter handle if you have one, postal address for the signed copy to
Your entry piece should be in a word document, with a title. Please note, the title is not included in the 208 words.
1st Place
- Signed paperback of 13 Steps To Evil
- £20 Amazon voucher
- A first chapter or 1000 word critique from me
- Your choice of a critique of your book marketing plan or an hour skype advice session on marketing your book. (Some pre-work will be needed if you choose a skype session)
- Publication of your winning entry on this website
- Critique of one of your villainous characters (either by a summary or selection of 3 key chapters with your villain in them)
2nd Place
- Ebook copy of 13 Steps To Evil
- A first chapter or 1000 word critique from me
- Publication of your entry on this website
3rd Place
- Ebook copy of 13 Steps To Evil
- Publication of your entry on this website
- Only entries sent by email to will be entered into the competition.
- Only one entry per person is allowed. Anybody found to have entered the competition more than once will be disqualified.
- Immediate family members of the judge, Sacha Black, are not eligible to enter.
- The competition closes at 23:59 GMT on Friday 30th June 2017. Entries received after this date will not be included.
- It is free to enter.
- The entry must be exactly 208 words.
- Entries must be submitted in a word document.
- The title does NOT count in the 208 words.
- Stories must be original and unpublished. However, once submitted, entries can be blogged with additional words, pictures, videos, and artwork or published in whatever form the author chooses. However, only the 208 words sent to the above email address will count.
- The competition is only open to adults aged 18 and over.
- Winners must agree to have their full name and entry published on my blog.
- No alternative prizes are available.
- Sacha’s decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
- By entering the competition, you agree to abide by these rules.
- You must send the required information: Your name, email address, website (if you have one), twitter handle if you have one, postal address for the signed copy, and entry piece in a word document.
- Winners will be announced 6-8 weeks after the closing date on this website.
- Sacha Black claims no ownership of entries. All work will be credited to the authors who submit it.

Sounds good Sacha !
Now the question is .. will there be no #writespiration for the next 3 weeks or is that still happening?? 🤤 you know I’ll miss It!!!
It will carry on – BUT only because I knew you and Judy might lynch me 😂 and weekly competition reminders added
Lol!! Good ! But I’m researching how to write about a super-bad villain first … reading a great ‘how to’ book that should help me! 😁😉
bahahaha, I bet someone awesome wrote that :p
You don’t know ‘how ‘ awesome! 😉
What a great idea! I don’t know if I can do it, which is why I will try, as always! 😊
I am really looking forward to your entry <3 <3
Agh… best get to it then! 😳
lol yes you should! :p
Ooh, this sounds awesome. Time to put that reading to good use and come up with something amazing. Nice Challenge!
hehe, well I look forward to reading your villainous entry :p
Ewe so tempting , and I have learned so much from your fabulous book,13 Steps to Evil!! Glad that the #writespration will carry on I would find it hard to talk Judy and Ritu out of doing you harm!! 💖😱
Glad you enjoyed it Willow, don’t forget to send your entry, it was fab in a very evil way!
Thank you Sacha I shall remember 💜💖
Super excited to see you do a longer poem 😍💖
Haha, well you did a cracking job <3
Sounds like fun. (I started your book last night. It’s awesome, Sacha. I’ll have to employ the steps for my super bad villain!)
<3 This is how slow and behind I am, you've started and finished and reviewed it and I'm only just getting to your comment. SIGH.
Ok, so I have emailed you young lady, and am about to post my entry, as I usually do, after emailing you!! 😉
YAY, thank you I will probably not come look until the entries are all in, just because i want to not be a train wreck when I read them! And right now… I am well and truly a train wreck!
Lol that is probably a good idea!! I just needed to do it.. because, well, you know me!!! Eek! 10 sleeps to go!!@
I’ve done as I was told, Sacha, 208 words exactly. I’m posting it on my blog if you want have a read. I’m not entering the competition because morale won’t stand for any more defeats.