2017 brings 52 challenges over 52 weeks.
Your challenge is to write your story using the weekly theme/prompt and write it in just 52 words…. EXACTLY, no more, no less.
Submit your entries in the comments or on a blog post. You have until Sunday to enter.
I am running a competition with prizes this month in celebration of the launch of 13 Steps To Evil. If you would like to enter the details are here.
There are prizes for first, second and third, but here’s a teaser for first place:
- Signed paperback of 13 Steps To Evil
- £20 Amazon voucher
- A first chapter or 1000 word critique from me
- Your choice of a critique of your book marketing plan or an hour skype advice session on marketing your book. (Some pre-work will be needed if you choose a skype session)
- Publication of your winning entry on this website
- Critique of one of your villainous characters (either by a summary or selection of 3 key chapters with your villain in them)
If you’re entering writespiration as normal please expect a significant delay before I come and read your entries.
This week I want you to write about:
Your most embarrassing moment… and yes, it can be fiction, but I’d much prefer memoir! Give me juicy memories and gossip :p
Great topic, Sacha …. Be careful what you wish for with that Blogger’s Bash coming up.
Haha well I’ll watch I’m not playing this one 😂😂
You asked for it!
just one of many Sacha!
Suitable for public admission 😉 https://scvincent.com/2017/06/08/accident-prone-writespiration/
The fuel light blinks furiously
Then suddenly turns solid as
The engine splutters and dies
Two frantic calls are made
To the RAC for help
The other not so pleasant
A plea for patient calm
For in bringing their daughter
Back before their given curfew
I admit guiltily the fuel ran out
uh oh!! Someone is in trouble! hehe. Fantastic entry Tim, thanks for playing
I managed to get it done in just the nick of time! It’s still Sunday here! https://debs-world.com/2017/06/11/embarrassing-writespiration-119-week-23/