Hello Rebels, welcome to episode 101 of The Rebel Author Podcast. Today, I’m talking to Ed Crowther, professional photographer.
In this episode we cover:
- Why you need a headshot
- How a shoot works
- Considerations for tone and mood of photos
- How to prepare for a shoot
- Common mistakes in shoots
This week’s question is: Have you got a professional headshot?
Recommendation of the week is: Life in a Fishbowl by Len Vlahos
***this show uses affiliate links
Events I mentioned are:
The York Writers Conference 2021. Three days, nine guest speakers, and plenty of opportunity to network and chat with authors from all over. Sessions include writer’s craft and marketing workshops. Join Friday evening for a virtual cocktail party with opening remarks from our honorary patron, Terry Fallis. Then workshops begin Saturday with a lunchtime Keynote with Andrew Pyper and of course, Sacha Black.
When: October 22-24, 2021
Where: Zoom – Register here
Find out more about Ed at:
Rebel of the Week is: Sarah W. Sparx
If you’d like to be a Rebel of the week please do send in your story, it can be any kind of rebellion. You can email your rebel story to rebelauthorpodcast@gmail.com or instagram me @sachablackauthor
No new patrons this week, but a big thank you to my existing patrons. If you’d like to support the show, and get early access to all the episodes as well as bonus content you can from as little as $2 a month by visiting: www.patreon.com/sachablack
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