One of my favourite writing procrastinations is the Six Word Memoir website. Doing exactly what it says on the tin, asking you to write a memoir or story in six words. So I challenge you to do the same, right here, right now, and I will post it with next weeks Writespiration. While your at it, why not post on their website too?
Here’s mine:
He said “Will you…?”
“I’m Gay!”
To last weeks entrants and a LOT of sex – quite how we got from insects to sex I’m not sure, but I will remember that for future prompts!
Geoff starts us off with a banging (see what I did there!) tale of sex, wings, dancing and a little more sex! 🙂
Just One Day
I knew it would be tough, getting out of the chrysalis – you know it will be a struggle, but you’re ready for it. Just before the skin cracks you don’t want it to happen but the air is on your eyes, the light – sharp, caustic – is like a magnet and you pull like you’ve never pulled.
This is your time. This is why you’ve been kept boxed tight for so long. The new wings, freed of their wrapping unfurl alone and you sit on the reed, exhausted, happy, dizzy as you dry.
Vaguely you become aware of others, spiralling about you, a dusty cloud of other May Flies – a dance of daring and death.
Seeing them draws from you a new strength, you let go and…
I’m flying, spinning and twisting. And I have one thing on my mind. The only thing that matters. The only reason I’m here. The only thing that I will have time for. No eating, no sleeping, no rocket science or choosing which socks to buy my dad for Christmas. My life is the envy of every living thing. It’s the reason I have two penises. Today is my day and my day will be full of
And then I’ll die. The French for orgasm is La Petite Mort. They know something, those Frenchies…
Nicholas C Rossis joined us for the first time this week, and gave a vivid tale of mating courtship and a humorous reminder that not all sex ends well!
“How about sex and dinner?” she asked, her throaty voice sending tingles to play on the fine hairs on his neck. She rubbed one fine, slender foot on her lengthy leg, to stress her point.
Her audacity caught his breath. They hardly knew each other, having met only a few minutes earlier. And yet here she was, her naked flesh provoking him into a frenzy. There was no mistaking the hunger in her eyes; the need for his body; her desire for his flesh.
He swallowed and tried to look away, to avoid her burning stare. She snickered at his discomfort as he lowered his eyes to examine his trembling fingers. Speak! Say something! His mouth obeyed the mental command and opened, but words failed him. His gaze caressed her nude body to linger once more on trim legs that seemed to go on forever. He bit his lip, his heart skipping a beat. She had him now; he would stop at nothing to slither between her mounds, to experience the ecstasy promised by her inviting, crooked smile; consequences be damned.
His determination slipped fast. With the last remnants of his strength, he made a final, desperate attempt to negotiate. To save himself. “Why not dinner first?” he croaked, a thick bead of sweat trickling down his forehead.
Her raspy laugh made his knees tremble. He leaned against a tree to stop himself from shaking. A delightful, mortified shiver travelled through his body and onto the wrinkled bark at her next words.
“Don’t be silly,” she said with a smirk. “Who’s ever heard of a praying mantis eating before sex?” She inched closer, her faceted, emerald eyes gazing softly at his smooth skin. He closed his eyes as her mouth brushed against his ear. Her hot breath tickled him, made his heart race. A long tongue slithered out of her lipless mouth to lick his slender neck. “That would ruin my appetite.”
Ali Isaac says
Here’s my entry for this week, Sacha, in fact, there are three… you might see a bit of a theme going on!
1. Birds sing. Darkness into light. Dawn.
2. Last breath. Darkness into light. Reborn.
3. Study hard. Darkness into light. Illumination.
I really wanted to submit an insect story last week, but life got a bit in the way! Can I still write it here?
Sacha Black says
You absolutely can Ali I will post it with all three of this weeks entries next week and do the links as usual ? haha I know what u mean about life
Rachel says
I love six-word stories. I didn’t know there was a website, though! That’s good to know. Here’s mine:
1. Teacher of preschoolers; learner of preschoolers.
2. I read, I write, I create.
The second is my tagline on my blog, so I guess that one is cheating a bit… oh, well. 😉
Sacha Black says
Hahah nah I don’t count it as cheating ? thanks for participating. I love your tag line. How’s the rewrite in new POV going?
Rachel says
Well… I didn’t technically start, yet… lol.
I’m doing a series for June’s Short Story Sunday and that’s starring Lilah and George following Lilah in third person. So far I am seeing a slight different in George, but I think that’s just because I’m not as focused on him.
But I also want to try Lilah in first person as well as George in third person. I want to get a feel for all my options. I’ll pick the one that seems to work the best and then try a rewrite and see how it works in the actual story.
I may be making way too much work for myself, but this was the easiest way I could think of doing it; especially with everything else going on.
TanGental says
Cancer. How long? Not long enough.
Third choice. Will you? Yes. Finally….
He’s deformed! No, he’s a girl.
All true but do they make sense?
Sacha Black says
They are brilliant.
Love the boy no girl one! Made me laugh out loud.
Third choice? Third choice for marriage? Prom date?
TanGental says
I confessed to the Textiliste- I had to have been drunk or simple minded – that at the start of the uni year she was third n my list of girls to ask out! What an utter prannock. She saw past my twitishness happily!
Sacha Black says
NO way! lol. Why on Earth would you admit that! haha
TanGental says
It might help explain why I gave up the booze…
Sacha Black says
Ah! yes well it does make us do silly things!
Hugh's Views and News says
Here’s mine.
She left. Never came back. Never!
Come here. No! That’s it then.
Affair? Me to, with his husband.
Sacha Black says
Bloody LOVE these Hugh 🙂 particularly the last one :p
Hugh's Views and News says
I just noticed that ‘to’ should have been a ‘too’.
Hope you’re well, Sacha? Busy I expect. :0
Ali Isaac says
Here’s my late entry for last weeks Writespiration.
I am Etain. Once I was Sidhe, and a Queen, adored and admired. Now, I spread my wings, and they are beautiful, vibrant, shimmering. The wind catches them, takes me up into its arms, and I am airborne. Invisible lips blow me here, there, and I delight in my freedom, my weightlessness.
When I tire, I alight on a blossom. The petals are no match for me; they pale in my shadow, for I am a purple jewel carved from living flesh by an alien hand. The sun warms my body; I glitter in its light. I flutter my wings, and radiate bright ripples of colour and fierce joy.
But I am distracted. The flower hides a secret. Its scent draws me in, more powerful, more intoxicating than I ever experienced in my past incarnation. My wings fold as I feed on nectar sweeter than honey, more precious than the Gods’ ambrosia.
Giddy with sweetness, greedy for more, I leap from bloom to bloom, heedless of the darkening sky, and the wind which whips the trees into clumsy dance. Raindrops fall, hard and heavy, brushing the colour from my wings like dust. Bruised and battered, I realise the wind is no longer my friend, and I am buffeted before it without mercy.
Until kind Óengus takes me in. He builds me a crystal bower, where I rest and recover. He feeds me pollen and sugar, and I need do nothing more in return but shimmy my wings now and then for his pleasure. It feels good to be adored again.
But a wild creature needs its freedom. I exchange my crystal prison for air and sunlight, and journey where life takes me. Then one day, I hear a sound I have long missed, and I am lured by my longing.
A man is playing a harp, its light liquid notes falling through the air more silver than birdsong. Men and women gather to listen; they talk and laugh softly, and I am struck with the sharp pain of sudden loneliness. I perch on the rim of a goblet, but there is so much beauty around them, I am unnoticed.
When she lifts the vessel to her lips, I tumble into the swirling red depths. I desperately beat my wings, but they are immersed, trapped in the fluid as if it was glue. Unknowing, she swallows more than wine. I flutter my wings, and she feels those faint stirrings, for she places a hand softly over her belly.
I am Etain. Once I was Sidhe, then I was dealan-dhe. Now, from the dark, warm recesses of woman, I will be born mortal.
Jane Dougherty says
Wonderful, Ali. I couldn’t think of anything insecty. It hadn’t occurred to me that butterflies are insects 🙂 We have a problem with identification of species in this family. The youngest is the worst. Recently we were having a typical sort of conversation about what penguins taste like. Somebody said they taste like fish. Youngest chips in with “But penguins ARE fish.”
Ali Isaac says
Lolololol! Why would anyone wonder what penguins taste like??? I think our families would get on so well! ?
Sacha Black says
I reckon they taste like chicken!
Ali Isaac says
Strangely, I reckon they taste like PENGUIN! Ha! Conor thinks they taste like chocolate, but he doesnt eat chocolate that often lol!
Sacha Black says
Haha. I reckon most things taste like chicken. Apparently crocodile and shark do so why not penguin!! I wouldn’t know. Been a veggie since I was 2!!
Ali Isaac says
Then how do you know how chicken tastes??? ?
Sacha Black says
Good point! I don’t actually know. One of them – think I heard it on a TV show – type things! Hahahha
Ali Isaac says
I believe humans taste like chicken also, but I’m not about to find out… nor penguins!
Sacha Black says
Ooh I hear we taste like pork!! Bit darker meat! Lol
Ali Isaac says
Ooooh! How do we know which is right??? ?
Sacha Black says
Erm I read it in a book where a psych was interviewing serial killers – this one was a cannibal……………
Ali Isaac says
Yikes! Nice books you read…
Sacha Black says
I know lol! Well it was written by an old professor of mine at uni
Ali Isaac says
Omg! Did you ever have any students go missing??? ?
Sacha Black says
Lol the professor was the interviewer! Not the cannibal!
Ali Isaac says
Phew! ?
Sacha Black says
Wow, I don’t even know what to write. Your power to captivate the reader is quite frankly annoyingly brilliant. You create just the most vivid images, Ali. The ending – so sad, but brilliant all the same. LOVE this one, a lot.
Ali Isaac says
Lol! Thanks Sacha! ? But the original story is a really old Irish tragic love story, so I can’t take any credit. I just retold a tiny fragment in my own words.
Sacha Black says
Well I love your words. 🙂
Ali Isaac says
Lockie Young says
Here’s my entrance, and perhaps I will put this on their site. LOL
“You’ll lose the leg.”
“Do it.”
Jane Dougherty says
Sacha Black says
This really is brilliant! I feel like theres a whole story in it!
Sacha Black says
For some unbeknownst reason I was not following your blog. What a disgrace! I have corrected this error. 🙂
Jane Dougherty says
Your blog doesn’t let me chip in on the penguin discussion. I’m just listening. I thought we were strange!
Sacha Black says
Hahah! I am rather odd! I have no idea why you can’t chip in ?
Jane Dougherty says
I don’t get a reply button on the penguin discussion. WordPress obviously doesn’t want to encourage it 🙂
Jane Dougherty says
Here’s a few six word stories instead. No penguins.
Night-driving drowsiness
explosive impact
two orphans.
Dead star
black waters
eternal night.
Bright horizon
a sail
your boat.
toomajj says
My world is a 6-story building with its basement on the roof.
Sarah Brentyn says
I’m holding it for a friend. 😉