Life's a funny old thing, so often we go through difficult times and have to make hard choices. Sometimes we lose friends, loved ones, gain new ones, have children. We travel and feel moved to change …
Writespiration #43
A slightly different challenge this week. It's another of my favourite writing sites to help unblock the block! The website is called One Word. The aim of this game is to use the word posted below …
Writespiration #42
We constantly worry about how to write better. But actually, there's a benefit to being able to recognise when you have written badly. And sometimes it's fun to just reel off a load of …
Writespiration #41
A day late this week because of #1000speak, but nevertheless here we go: This is less about the house in the photo and more about the word and meaning... If you fancy it write a few words, a …
8 Steps to Discover Your Perfect Writing Process
When I started writing (years ago) I really didn’t have a clue. I was painfully naïve. I thought I could do a first draft (of a short story or a novel) that would be ok’ ‘good’ even, ‘almost there’ …
Continue Reading about 8 Steps to Discover Your Perfect Writing Process →
Writespiration #40
One of my favourite writing procrastinations is the Six Word Memoir website. Doing exactly what it says on the tin, asking you to write a memoir or story in six words. So I challenge you to do the …