Writers Digest bring out an annual list of the best websites for writers, I have four you may find useful. I have added 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014 lists here:
I thought I would highlight a few that I thought looked useful:
29. Agent Query agentquery.com
Search this free database of more than 900 literary agents and what they’re cur- rently seeking.
44. The Market List marketlist.com
Writing mystery, young adult, fantasy or other category fiction? This invaluable site specializes in market listings and resources for genre writers of all sorts
56. Joe Wikert’s Publishing 2020 Blog jwikert.typepad.com
O’Reilly Media publisher and general manager Joe Wikert shares experience- based predictions on the future of print publishing and online media to help you position yourself for success.
59. Publetariat publetariat.com
Founded by April L. Hamilton (author of The Indie Author Guide, from WD Books), Publetariat is one of the leading online communities and news hubs spe- cifically for self-published authors and small presses. Check out the “Publish” section, which offers helpful articles on getting your work out there.
62. Resources for Children’s Writers resourcesforchildrenswriters.com
Author and editor Rachelle Burk shares links to hundreds of articles for children’s writers, covering every- thing from craft tips to publishing advice to strategies for networking with other authors.
95 Writers-Networks writers-network.com
Poets and writers are invited to join this free community to share work, get feed- back and discuss writing-related topics. Members can also participate in contests and live chats, and earn points (the site’s currency system, redeemable for ad space or special contest entry “fees”) for reviewing others’ works.
92. National Novel Writing Month nanowrimo.org – my personal favourite challenge
Join more than 250,000 writers annu- ally and take part in the NaNoWriMo marathon by cranking out a 50,000- word novel in November. (Also offered: Camp NaNoWriMo, which hosts smaller versions of the challenge in July and August.) This site helps you track your book’s progress with its online word counter, and connects you with other participants for support.
I subscribe to Writers Digest. I’ve tried others, but it’s the only one I’ve stuck with. I like their diversity of articles.
Thanks for the comment 🙂 I subscribe too, but only electronically, I think they are brilliant, and these lists are so useful too. I’ve not tried any others though.
I’d advise you to stick with Writers Digest and not waste your money or time on the others. 😀
Hehe ok thank you I will hope your writing is going well this weekend?
Actually, I work weekends. I’m semi-retired, and do the majority of my writing during the week. How goes it for you?
Ah you are so lucky, I long for the day I can write in the week. What are you working on currently? I have to write in and around my wife and son, and working full time! So I generally find myself squirrelling away in the late hours of the night early hours of the morning! I am about 53K into my first novel, but have paused for developmental work and editing. 😀
Currently I’m working on a 3rd short story to put on Amazon. Next up is compiling 2 anthologies to publish on Amazon. THEN, I plan on incorporating my editor’s changes to a novel I’ve written, and have it available for sale on Amazon by the end of the year. Whew!! lol
I did the semi-retire nearly a year ago. And I still can’t seem to find enough time to write.
Wouldn’t it be nice if one didn’t have to sleep? Think of all those hours one could spend writing. 😀
Do you write in a particular genre? My stuff falls on the left side of strange.
ooh, whats your novel about? when you say short story, how long is your word count? I am currently doing a creative writing course and started with short stories of just 1500 and now just completed one at 4000. But I am also 53K through my first novel. hahaha I could not agree with you more, I HATE sleep its such a waste of precious writing time, plus night time is the only time you get perfect silent uninterrupted peace from life! ooh, I am going to have to add your stuff to my must read list then, I love strange fiction, and also love fantasy, dystopian, apocalyptic, sci-fi… actually, I could probably list most genres! so I will stop. I am writing an older YA probably aimed at 17-22 (although i am not confident in saying that) but its a fantasy novel that will no doubt turn into a bit of a saga, it has elements of magical realism, and dystopia in it too. 😀
As an ambitious novelist to be, this is wonderful. I will be pinning x
I’m glad it’s helped and good luck 🙂