We are finally on the count down to the bash, peeps.
I am so excited I really ought to be wearing a sports bra what with all the bouncing up and down.
So far we have announced the totally-off-the-chart-gorgeous venue here. Then we announced our blogger extraordinaire and guest speaker Luca here.
But now, now after months of waiting I can officially say, that nominations for the bloggers bash awards are
I will do a little reminder of all the awards in a minute. But a couple of points to note first.
The committee are very proud of what we are creating with the Bloggers Bash, and last year, you kindly nominated myself, and fellow committee members, Hugh, Geoff and Ali for a number of the awards. But this year, we feel in order to ensure the credibility, honesty and transparency of these awards, we shouldn’t be nominated. This is to ensure there can be no biases or conflict of interest.
If you haven’t confirmed your attendance at the bloggers bash, you have just 8 days left to do so. We need to finalise numbers at the end of the month. Drop us a line at:
Similarly, if you haven’t ordered your bash t-shirt yet, and would like to do so, please click the link here.
Nominations and Rules
To nominate, you have two options:
First – Complete the nominations form at the bottom of this post – it will ping an email to the bash inbox, job done. However, it will only allow you to nominate for one award at a time. (THIS OUR PREFERRED OPTION)
Second – If you want to nominate someone for all the awards, then drop us a line:
If you intend on emailing us, there are several pieces of compulsory information we require. Please note: If you do not include the required information, we will disqualify your nomination.
Information Required: Your name, the website address of the blogger you are nominating, their name or a name we can call them and the award you are nominating them for.
- As I mentioned above, the committee members cannot be nominated
2. If you do not submit the required information, your nomination will be disqualified
3. To ensure a spread of winners, this year you can only win in one category. Therefore, if you are nominated in more than one category we will contact you to ask what category you would prefer to be in. If you don’t want to choose, then the committee will decide for you.
4. You can only nominate once in each category
5. You can only vote once in each category
6. There is no rule six.
Best Overall Blog
This award is for the blogger who has the best overall blog. Who is the blogger that for you, excels in a variety of categories? Perhaps they’re sociable and engage with readers, maybe they share others posts, or have a writing style that keeps you coming back time and time again.
Whoever you choose needs to be an all rounder, a blogger that for you is head and shoulders above the rest.
Funniest Blogger
Which blogger continually makes you laugh out loud? Has someone made you laugh so hard you cried? Maybe you snorted drink through your nose at one of their jokes. Who’s the funniest blogger of them all?
Most Inspirational Blogger
Who consistently inspires you? Is there a blogger that’s thought provoking and inquisitive? Or perhaps they have become a muse to you with constant provision of inspirational content or imagery? Who’s the one blogger that’s touched your heart? This is the nomination for them.
Best Dressed Blog
This is for the most stylish blog. Who’s blog looks sleek and sexy? Maybe they use stunning imagery, or a well designed theme, or perhaps they just have a unique written style to their blog posts. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so only you can judge whose blog is the best dressed.
Most Informative (Original Content) Blogger
This award is for those bloggers with the most informative original content. Who, time and time again writes fascinating content. Perhaps they are a history blogger, maybe, a blogger who writes about writing craft, or maybe they like archaeology, or wine tasting, or perhaps they are an artist or musician. The topic could be anything, what were looking for is a blogger who shares a wealth of knowledge that they have carefully researched and pulled together themselves.
Who do you find yourself longing to read because of their content? This is the nomination for them.
Best Book Review Blog
We created a new award because we felt there were so many dedicated book reviewers out there that they needed an award in their own right.
Which book reviewer do you love? This isn’t about being prolific this is about quality reviews. Who’s the most thoughtful reviewer? Perhaps their thoughts on a book persuaded you to read it, maybe they use their blog as a platform for authors as well, or perhaps you love them for their scathing honesty!
Whoever you choose to nominate in this award, please ensure their blogs are PRIMARILY book review blogs.
Services to Bloggers
Who’s the kindest blogger of them all? Which blogger goes out of their way to help others? Maybe someone helped you kick start your blog with tutorials or maybe they continually reblogs your posts. Perhaps someone consistently provides useful posts on how to boost your own blog. Or maybe you want to nominate someone who provides a platform for others.
Who do you want to thank for their dedication to other bloggers?
Hidden Gem
Which blog doesn’t get the notoriety they deserve? Maybe you stumbled on them by chance, and discovered a minefield of information. Maybe they make you smile or have such an original style you can’t help but go back.
Who would you like to have the limelight for a change? This is the award for them.
Newcomer Award
This is for bloggers who have been blogging less than a year. So bloggers who joined the bloggisphere after 1st June 2015
Who joined the bloggisphere with a bang? Perhaps they are funny, or well designed, or maybe their posts make you smile time after time. Whatever the reason, this is for a newbie blogger that you think deserves recognition.
Best Pal
Which blogger do you want to go to the pub with? Or maybe have dinner with? Who never fails to reply to comments, and has thoughtful things to say. Maybe they encourage the community through weekly challenges or blog parties. Who wouldn’t the blogging world be the same without?
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has now been removed as nominations are closed.
Wow. So…are you eating? Sleeping? There’s a lot of comments here, lovely lady. I’ll keep it short. I’m excited these are open and I’m gathering my nominations. (Also, I’ve read the whole post. Twice.) 😉 Cheers!
You’re proper hilarious! love your face! Actually eating like a pig, only super clean food! but sleep, no. no way! :p
Can I just say that, no matter how hard I try, I cannot find a blog about overalls…
What the fuck? Why? Outrageous. I personally prefer dungarees!
So next year you’re going to have a Best Dungaree Blog….
oh. umm….. *awkward*
Reblogged this on Daily Echo and commented:
Get your nominations in for the Bloggers bash Awards 2016!
Thanks for sharing Sue, still hoping you might be able to make an appearance 😀 😀
So am I… things on the home front are a tad fraught at the moment though, so just no idea. x
Sacha, I’ve tried to send the following email to you but it has returned as failed. Hope it’s not too late!!
Hi Sacha
I think you and the committee are doing a great job organising this years Bloggers Bash. I have been meaning to contact you about registration so your post today was a perfect reminder.
Please can you register me for coming. Is there any payment due? Just let me know. Do you know how many are coming? Just so I can mentally prepare myself. :-))
I look forward to seeing you all then.
Many thanks
Hi Annika, got your message and have dropped you an email.
Many thanks, Sacha! That’s great.
Nominations! Voting is next month, nonetheless, I am super grateful for the share, the more nominations the better 😀
Well spotted. Glad you were paying attention. I shall get that corrected…
😀 <3
It’s here! Shared on facebook and tweeted
Thanks Mardene 😀
Reblogged this on Karen's World and commented:
Get your nomination in now!
Thanks for sharing Karen 😀 <3
Reblogged this on writerchristophfischer and commented:
Blogger Awards – nominate your favourites now!
Okay, so I’ve entered my first nomination! I’ll be nominating others too. Just drip by drip… All very exciting…
awesome 😀 Only a few days left to get them in 😀
Hi Sacha…phew, done it! Hope it’s right…and also just to confirm that you have me down for attending the bash. Can’t wait to see you and everyone again, thank you so much for all your amazing hard work to make this happen, and of course to Ali, Hugh and Geoff too…see you very soon! <3
Thanks Sherri they have dropped into the inbox, looking forward to seeing you too 🙂 🙂
Great, thanks Sacha!
Thanks for the mention 😀