As you know I am busy trying to finish my book ready for beta readers at the end of September. So my lovely writer friend Lucy, is taking the reigns today to teach us all about how to start a podcast.
If you don’t listen to podcasts, you should. I recommend four of my faves in the publishing section of one of my newsletters, which you can find here.
Hey, I am Lucy Mitchell a.k.a Blondewritemore.

The romantic fiction book market is saturated. New writers like me have to do different things to stand out now.
11. Social Media to promote it.
Things I have learnt so far:
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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Great post, Lucy and Sacha. Fabulous tips for anyone who is thinking about getting started in the world of podcasts – I’m afraid the unexpected fits of giggling would scupper any plans I had to create a podcast, fortunately, I can listen to Lucy instead! 🙂
Haha I know right!! I would be terrible ? definitely something I’ve thought about doing though
Hey thx Shelley W 🙂 I think a podcast based on your motivational self help tips would be fab!
OMG totally agree
Shelley – you could clean up in podcasting land. Sacha – think the female Rob Dial / MWF podcast – Shelley!
Thats exactly what I thought. We have to bully her into doing it now! :p
I love her accent and I could listen to her meditation and stress busting tips forever. I mean I read her book and it changed my life.
I love the sound of my own voice so I really out to follow trailer blazer Lucy ‘call me Livingstone’ into the world of podcastery. We shall see, btw nicely guested too Sacha!!’
I could listen to you for hours! I also think you have a fab story telling voice.
Oh Lucy what a flatterer. Now I have no excuse.
Bedtime Stories with Geoff Le Pard ☺️☺️
Great post! And I can vouch for the fact that it’s a great podcast!!
As can I! She’s amazing. Oh and her intro speaker ain’t bad either….. ???
No… she’s not bad either!! ?
Thank you Ritu 🙂
You’re most welcome Lucy ? any time ?
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Thanks so much Eloise, really appreciate the share 😀
My pleasure Sacha. Have a great week.
First, let me say that I am entirely disappointed that Roxy won’t be appearing on my kindle any time soon, but at least Lucy hasn’t completely taken her out of my life.
It is good to know you can get over the dislike of your own recorded voice. That’s currently holding me back. Whenever I hear my voice replayed I think I must sound like a twelve-year-old to the rest of the world.
Hey Allie P! I am sure I will be gracing your Kindle soon with my debut novel which is shaping up nicely. Stand by!
It better 🙂 else I may declare you the worst sort of tease
LOL!! There’s a blog post – a literary tease! Thank you – genius
The giggling fits and hating the sound of my own voice would be an issue. I must admit, I’ve never even listened to a podcast never mind trying to create one. I know. Moving on. Tons of info here. Great post!
haha, I reckon I would be terrible! Podcasts are awesome – I listen to them at work a lot when I am meant to be… you know… working! :p
A great piece. Very interesting and written in a light and lively style too 🙂
That is me Esther – light and lively 🙂
Wow. Great post with lots of technical information. I think your right that it takes some guts and probably patience too as it’s a lot to learn. And, yeah, the dreaded voice – OMG, I sound like I’m ten. Ha ha.
I bet you sound fab!
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Thank you for sharing, really appreciate it 😀
Well done for doing something different… I am in awe! Good luck with it!
This is a brilliant post! I considered a podcast but decided to do video instead (because I like an extra layer of difficulty in everything I do :p) But Lucy’s given some excellent information!
Thanks for sharing the brutal honesty of podcasting Lucy. This is something I’m just starting to investigate, and already hate my voice, lol. How different is setting up a podcast to putting up a video on Youtube?
A lot of the podcasters record their Skype interviews and post them to youtube AND the podcast, but it depends what kind of podcast show you have I guess.
Thank you! 🙂
As someone whose podcast is launching THIS MONTH, I love this post. Almost as much as I hate my voice. I think patience in editing is a huge part of the podcast too. We may ramble on for 45 minutes while taping (and get interrupted by everything under the sun) but then there’s hours of editing that goes into it to get it down to a manageable length!
Glad you found it useful 😀 Good luck with the podcast, I can’t imagine the patience you would need to edit a podcast, editing a novel is bad enough! :p
Lol that’s why my partner edits the podcast and I do the blog!
Wow that you have a partner willing to do it ?
quite helpful article.thank you
Glad u liked it
This was actually pretty helpful to me!
I’m so glad. Thank you for stopping in 😀