I had all these plans. Plans for my second non-fiction book to be about heroes or maybe characters more generally.
But like Lennon said,
“Life is what happens while you’re making other plans.”
And no matter what I do, it’s not characters I’m thinking about. It’s productivity. I mean, just two weeks ago, I wrote about productivity and Cal Newport’s book Deep Work.
I guess now I understand the phrase write what you know. Productivity is where my focus is at, so writing about anything else is proving difficult.
I feel like Jim Carrey in Liar Liar, when he’s desperate to tell a simple lie: he wants to say the pen is red when it’s blue.
Only I’m trying to convince myself the next book I write is on characters when all that keeps coming out is productivity.
Don’t you hate it when that happens?
“They see productivity as a scientific problem to systematically solve-” Cal Newport, DEEP WORK p.39
That was one of the quotes from two weeks ago, and I’m still thinking about it. See non-fiction books solve problems. I NEED to solve the productivity problem. I guess in the end, you have to face the fact the pen is blue and I have to write the damn book on productivity.
Which means I need your help.
I like doing research before I embark on a non-fiction project so that whatever I craft is fit for purpose. So below is a survey on productivity. With questions on your writing style, techniques, and problems. I’d be super grateful if you’d help me out and fill it in. It’s completely anonymous, I won’t know who you are 😀 and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
Let me know what your best tip for productivity is in the comments.
You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Goodreads
Yay thank you so much 💖
No worries hun… see I’m procrastinating on my writing already… 😉 filling your survey in instead! 💜
Looks like another interesting book coming up! 😊💕
This is such a good post Sacha. I am going to tweet with pleasure!
Thanks Lucy 🙂 it doesn’t feel like much of a post to me more of a favour of everyone 😂😂 but thank you for the lovely comment 💖💖
Anything on productivity gets me going.
My answers to your questions have triggered a major re think, what if I am doing everything wrong? Thanks for that, Sacha, I think…
Uh oh, not at all my goal, I want to help everyone. Thing is we can only do our best, whatever way you’re doing is right for you, now. There is no magic bullet, just lots of mini ones!
Making me look long and hard at what I do, can never be a bad thing you know…
😍😍😍😍 glad to hear it growth and change are always opportunities to thrive
Keep a daily checklist of tasks and a tracker of your progress – it’s really useful when you feel like you haven’t done much…
Sigh, if only I had a friend that was awesome with them! 😜
You star thank you 💖
Filled it in. I also ordered Cal’s book based on your review and it arrived Friday. Am currently trying to find time to read it, lol, I know. xxx
Thank you, Adele <3 really appreciate the support 😀
Fun questionnaire.
Hehe thanks Charles 🙂
All set. 🙂
Thank you 😍
Let me know if you need anything else!
Thanks my lovely 🙂
You star thank you
Thank you my lovely xx
You’re welcome. X
I know it wasn’t your goal, but this post and survey was truly eye-opening and motivating. Time to set some goals and get writing. Thanks!
Ahhh, thank you. Well as long as it helped, that’s all that matters. I hope you set those goals 😀
I approve of this redirection – not that you asked. While I still think that another book on characterization would fit with what you’ve already written, I think there are many who would benefit from your style / tough love approach on productivity.
BAHAHAA I just snorted out loud! This is why I love you. I mean basically I was just jealous that you had a secret book, so I had to make a secret book of my own, except cats out of the bag and it isn’t so secret any more! :p
I will do that other book. But apparently productivity screamed louder. What’s an author to do? *shrug*
What secret book? No. No secret books to see here. Wait, what is that over there! *points. Runs away*
“Do you struggle with productivity?” Is this a trick question?
Is there an “All of the above” option?
So cool that you’re writing this! I’ll be back to fill your survey out. Anonymous, my ass. You’ll totally know which one is mine. O_o
LOL to all of the above, you do make me laugh. I’ve added email address columns now in case people want to sign up to hear about the book so not as anonymous, but LOL earlier today there were a few anonymous ones that I spotted who they were!
Done. I’m ever so boring—answered no to every question.
Well at least you don’t struggle, that’s a positive I don’t think most people can say 😀
Writing makes a great excuse for not doing the things I ought to be doing 🙂
Bahaha the only thing we should be doing is writing 😜
On that note, I’m going back to culling the pots in the garden.
Except important stuff like sorting the plants in the garden, deciding which we’ll take with us and which we’ll leave, potting up the lucky winners. I hate it!
You’re funny, Sacha. Go for it – I’m certainly interested in seeing what you come up with. 😀
Hehe thank you Diana, well we shall see, hopefully it’s of use to someone :p
All done even though the caption on that first gif nearly had me snorting fit to invert my spleen – then i noticed the tiny gap between the last 2 words… *off to the opticians
😂😂😂😂😂 lol u di crack me up geofflw
Filled out! Sorry for the Essays…
Haha don’t be sorry I’m grateful
Not to shamelessly self promote or anything, but my post on Monday was a bit about procrastination/disorganisation… Not sure if it would help your research at all… Procrastination is something I am VERY familiar with! Haha
Done! 🙂 I had a quote in mind for the advice on writing question but didn’t have time to look it up (I’m at work right now), can I send it to you later? 🙂 I know I have a picture of it somewhere…
Thank you for completing it and yes please that would be awesome I LOVE quotes 😁😁😁
I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner! I’ll send the quote over when I’m home later 🙂
Thanks so much 😀
I have done this, Sacha. I am not sure if I am much help as I have such limited time to write that when I get a moment to do so I try and get as much done as possible.
Thank you so much Robbie 😀 😀 really appreciate it
I’ve got to go to work. Sigh. That’s whats getting in the way of my productivity! But, will fill this in later Sacha and try to remember to share to my Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club on Facebook.