So, while I’m talking about audio content. Wave your hand if you’re not an audible subscriber…
Alright, I’ll let you off. I was skeptical about audiobooks at first too. I couldn’t bear to listen to fiction stories. I just couldn’t get a grip of the plot. When I read it feels tangible; it’s not just the pages I can grip, but the words too. It has substance, it’s alive. But listening to audio books made the words feel like grains of sand slipping through my fingers.
But then I reflected on the fact I listen (and love) podcasts. What was the difference? For me it was non-fiction. Maybe podcasts have trained me. But I absolutely love listening to non-fiction on audible. I’ve got a couple of book recommendations for you too. But I thought I’d share a discount Audible are doing for Black Friday. They’re giving away 50% off audible subscriptions for just £3.99 per month*. Just click the image below to find out more.
I’ve got two Audible recommendations to share with you today. I’m sure there will be dozens more in the future, but I’m still just getting to grips with the world of audio, so bear with me while I chomp through a few.
First up, The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
Here’s the book blurb:
“In The Success Principles, the cocreator of the phenomenal bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, helps you get from where you are to where you want to be, teaching you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. Filled with memorable and inspiring stories of CEO’s, world-class athletes, celebrities, and everyday people, it spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history—proven principles and strategies that can be adapted for your own life, whether you want to be the best salesperson in your company, become a leading architect, score top grades in school, lose weight, buy your dream home, make millions, or just get back in the job market.
Taken together and practiced every day, these principles will change your life beyond your wildest dreams.”
My god, this book gave me about a gazillion epiphanys. If you know me, you’ll know I like to joke that I’m dead on the inside. But the thing is, this book made me cry. ME. Miss dead on the inside all watery eyed and blinky over the success stories.
One of the other reasons I loved this audiobook so much is that it provided hundreds of practical tips and tactics you can easily put into place. Craft and advice books are swell when they’re all philosophical and thought-provoking, but come on guys, we need the good shit. That’s what this book delivers.
One of my favorite tips was the concept of ‘Pay Yourself First’. Doesn’t matter whether that’s in money or otherwise. What it made me realise is that I need to pay myself first with time. I hate Mondays because I have to get through 8 grueling hours before I can write. But says who? I started getting up at 5 to write so that I go to work having achieved the thing that’s most important to me. It’s had a radical impact on my mindset and my productivity.
Whether you listen to the audiobook or buy and read the actual book, this is one every author should read.
Thanks to BlondeWriteMore for this recommendation:
How To Be A Bawse by Lilly Singh
I absolutely loved this audiobook. It was a no punches pulled guide to being a Bawse. Lilly details how to own your life and build success. She’s clear, there’s no shortcut, no panacea, it’s hard graft and sweat that got her to the top. But she also gives lots of tips and tricks.
“Lilly Singh isn’t just a superstar. She’s Superwoman—which is also the name of her wildly popular YouTube channel. Funny, smart, and insightful, the actress and comedian covers topics ranging from relationships to career choices to everyday annoyances. It’s no wonder she’s garnered more than a billion views. But Lilly didn’t get to the top by being lucky—she had to work for it. Hard.”
I won’t tell you everything, but two of my favorite tricks were:
- Affirmation Passwords – when you next update your passwords, put an affirmation as your password. You type your passwords multiple times a day. What better way of practicing your affirmations than having them as your password.
- Problem list – when you have a shitty day and loads of tiny little things build up, your lips are dry, your phone battery dies, you don’t have parking change. Write those problems down and systematically solve them. Sounds stupid, right? But how many people actively go out and try and solve their issues? Lilly bought a charger for her car, office, living room, bedroom and bathroom. She did the same for lip balms, and putting reminders in your phone to get a bag of change from the bank means you won’t forget.
I highly recommend this book. Lilly is hilarious and her book is a real feel good audiobook.
*For transparency, I will earn a small commission on the audible subscription, but hey, an authors got to eat!
If you want awesome writing tips, you can grab a copy of my book 13 Steps To Evil – How to Craft Superbad Villains. Click this link and tap the logo of your reading device or regular bookshop and it will take you to the right page. You can also get a FREE villains cheatsheet by joining my mailing list just click here.
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I have Lilly Singh on my Kindle to read akreaal!
It was great I highly recommend it
I’ve thought about audio books and I probably will get into them but I’m just getting into podcasts and have loads to get through!
Hope you’re well 🙂