Welcome to The Rebel Author Podcast episode 35. Today I’m talking to Clare Lydon all about how to write romance, sex scenes and lesbian characters.
Episode Show Notes
This week’s questions is:
What’s the best sex scene you ever read? Or watched?
Find out more about Clare Lydon
Clare’s website
Clare’s book recommendations
Visit her on Twitter
Visit her on Facebook
Links to 2 sex podcasts she mentioned:
Steampunk novel mentioned
Demon in the Machine – Lise Mactague
Clare’s book recommendations
And Playing The Role Of Herself by KE Lane
In At The Deep End by Kate Davies
Book recommendation this week is Collaboration for Authors by Daniel Willcocks
Grab your copy here.
Don’t forget The Anatomy of Prose is available now, you can get it in ebook, paperback or hardback now.
Click the link here.
Order the Workbook here.
Listener Rebel of the Week is Burninstories
If you’d like to be a Rebel of the week please do send in your story, it can be any kind of rebellion. You can email your rebel story to rebelauthorpodcast@gmail.com or tweet me @rebelauthorpod
Thank you to new rebel patron this week Steve Moore. If you’d like to support the show, and get access to all the bonus essays, posts and content, you can from as little as $2 a month by visiting: www.patreon.com/sachablack
This is fantastic timing, as I’m just writing a novel with an elderly lesbian protagonist. Thanks so much for sharing, Sacha
You’re welcome glad it was good timing 😀
I shall be listening, intently…