Drum roll please!!
Thanks to everyone who voted, and took the time to comment, I thought it high time I let you know that we are having a……..
For anyone who does have me on social media – please don’t make any comments regarding the gender as we are keeping it a secret for a little while longer. 🙂
The wife was obviously over the moon as she wanted a boy, I was certain it was a girl, and had spent 5 months assuming so – so I was somewhat shocked to find out it was a boy. Everyone asked if I was disappointed, I don’t think that’s the right word to use. I was just surprised. I don’t usually get things wrong, so something so fundamental that I had spent such a long time thinking about needed a readjustment process. I needed to process what it meant.
I spent the best part of a week worrying and fretting that I would have nothing in common with our little boy – and that the wife would have everything in common – I am not particularly sporty – although I love rock climbing and the gym – but I dont like football and things – all the normal sports boys like. Anyway – I also am generally a bit of a man hater – you have to be a special man before I will willingly trust you. I have been burnt many a time by men, and so I guess I just worried about what it would mean to have a man in our family. I never imagined our lives with a male in it, and so it was daunting. Don’t get me wrong – I know that I will be bringing up this little boy and therefore able to shape some of his views and certainly his behaviour and hopefully his morals. But still it was a shock as that just isn’t what I had imagined or planned for.
All I had imagined was sitting with my little girl cuddled on the sofa reading together – just like I had done with my mum. I guess I just don’t know many boys who do that. Of course that is not to say our son won’t be like – who knows what he will be like – These are just all the thoughts that ran through my head when I found out.
Also – the horror stories a couple of friends were telling me about their little boys playing with their willies in front of friends etc!! oh dear!! What have we let ourselves in for!!
The main thing from the scan is that it HE I must remember I can say he now!! He is healthy, apparently his legs are a little on the short side although in the normal range – just like mine!! haha. Hopefully they will grow at some point!
Right I’m off to visit the mother!!
mummylass says
I felt the same about it when I was told Charlie was a boy….he is 3 now an I would never ever change his gender, he is amazing and gorgeous. He is so different from my girl also, both lovely in their own ways that perhaps has nothing to do with their gender. Congrats anyway!
Sacha Black says
Thank you, I am sure it will be fine when he arrives, it’s more fine now I had some time to get used to the idea it was just a shock to start with!! Thanks for the words of encouragement though I really appreciate it xx
snikkimack says
Hooray! I guessed correctly! 🙂 So excited for you! The time is flying by!
lesbemums says
Hey! I’ve just nominated your blog for a Liebster award. Come check out my blog and see what it’s all about and share the love.
Sacha Black says
Thank you so much, what an honour 🙂 I will post about this shortly 🙂 x