This is quite possibly the most exciting personal post I have written in a while. The posts about my life and memoirs seem to be getting rarer, but this blog was created originally as a …
Forget terrible twos, why didn't anyone tell me about the terrible ten months?
As I promised, this would be a blog of two halves, partly about my life as a mum, writer, and worker bee, and partly about writing, and my quest to get published. So, this is a motherhood …
The Abomination That is Disney!
The wife has always had a penchant for Disney. I on the other hand barely watched them as a child, preferring to have my head stuck firmly in the pages of dusty old books. Disney came up in …
Tales of Advice
The thing is, we ask for advice even when we don't really need it, don't really want it and then, we don't really follow it! I have a bee in my bonnet about this because I annoy myself asking for …
Baby Black has been born!
** WARNING ** Graphic explanation of my labour and following experiences. Understandably I have been a bit slack at blogging because.... Baby Black was born on 30th November 2013. My labour... WHAT …
33 weeks – advice needed
Advice needed. I had a funny turn this week - went all pale and sweaty and ghost like, and I nearly fainted. I got sent home from work and worked from home for two days. I feel exhausted - like …