Can anyone tell me a blockbuster famous novel they have read with a main character that was either gay or lesbian? Don't worry, I'll wait whilst you scratch your head to think... still haven't thought …
The Reading Like a Writer Series #4 Do You Really Need the Classics?
Don't judge me...I'm about to admit a really dirty secret... I've never read a classic. There, I said it. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth. I know it's awful, believe me. But I did say no …
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Writing Tips #12 Sacha Rants About the Third Person POV
Sacha hates the third person. And she sits tapping at keys on the keyboard all she can think about are the times she has talked aloud or talked about herself in the third person. "Everyone says …
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Daylight Savings Time + Toddlers
Ahhhh, the dreaded clock change that happens twice yearly.... that sacred extra hour you usually get in bed...pre parenthood. WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE PEOPLE!!! Babies apparently don't appreciate this …
The Abomination That is Disney!
The wife has always had a penchant for Disney. I on the other hand barely watched them as a child, preferring to have my head stuck firmly in the pages of dusty old books. Disney came up in …
Lesson 101 in how to demotivate someone
You can squash me, You can beat me, You can push me down, But I will get up, I will try again, And I won't give up, One day when your tired, When your broken, And when you quit I will …
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