This is quite possibly the most exciting personal post I have written in a while. The posts about my life and memoirs seem to be getting rarer, but this blog was created originally as a …
Forget terrible twos, why didn't anyone tell me about the terrible ten months?
As I promised, this would be a blog of two halves, partly about my life as a mum, writer, and worker bee, and partly about writing, and my quest to get published. So, this is a motherhood …
Baby rooms
So we painted the babies room a cafe latte type colour - pretty neutral - but you can't really tell from the photos, ive tried to add a photo of the colour from a website....and we added the vinyl …
20 Week Scan
I said I would update you on the 20 week scan... and here I am. Everything is normal and healthy - although the babies legs are a little on the short side. The sonographer said that they were in the …
Baby Bump – 20 weeks… nearly!
Two days time I will be 20 weeks. but thought it was high time I uploaded a bump shot!! kind of a weird shape no?! …