I’ve been reviewing books in a new way, a kind of quick fire lessons learnt thing. You can see old ones here: 5 Lessons in First Person POV & How to Snag A Publisher First Time With Your Synopsis.
So I decided to continue the trend and review Conor Kelly and The Four Treasures of Eirean (The Tir Na Nog Trilogy Book 1) by Ali Isaac in the same way.
This time I learnt how to translate research into fiction, and because Isaac translates so well, I learnt what to do, and what mistakes to avoid.
I picked up Ali’s book because she’s my friend, so I wanted to read it. But, I’ll be honest. It’s Irish mythology, something, up to the point I peeled open the front cover, I knew nothing about. I was more than a little daunted by the prospect of sinking my teeth into a few hundred pages of what I perceived to be hard core mythology.
I couldn’t have been more wrong. Isaac blew me away. She painted a tapestry of mythological research into a masterpiece of fiction. I unwittingly got educated on every aspect of Irish mythology there is, and to my surprise and delight, I loved every minute of it.
When I read books, I do so consciously now, so that I can absorb every ounce of skill each author leaves on the page. I rave about collecting words and sentences constantly. With Isaac, there was no question, I had dozens by the time I finished reading. She truly is the queen of interlacing accurate historical detail with beautiful descriptions and a heart wrenching story. Here’s what I learnt about translating research into fiction:
First, I want to caveat this post – Although I have mentioned the fact Ali is my friend, she did not ask me to read her book. I chose to do so. In fact, she frequently told me to put it down and get on with writing. I ignored her and read on. All the views expressed my me in this post are my own personal ones.
Mistake 1 – Dumping Information
If you are writing about anything, it requires research. But that means you acquire a shit ton of Information. If you learn a lot, you can’t help but know a lot. When you know a lot, it spills out without meaning too. Look at your stereotypical professor, they can jabber on for hours about their chosen topic.
The skill here is the age old, less is more.
Just because you know a lot, doesn’t mean we need to.
The other
Of course, Ali is my friend, so I took advantage of that fact, and demanded she answer my questions on this topic.
Ali, you are an author that is prolific in your quest for research. It oozes from you, and you’re your blog where you freely share your knowledge. But your knowledge is SO vast, how do you avoid information dumping when you translate that knowledge into your book?
The trick is to use only what you need to set the scene for your story. I LOVE researching, I can get lost in it for hours! But putting it all into a fictional story would make for a very dull, dry read. What I dont use (about 75% of it) goes on my blog… it seems such a shame to waste it, and if I find it interesting, there must be others who find it interesting too.
Mistake 2 Forgetting Details Matter
Details come in all shapes and sizes. The one thing they share in common, is that they really matter. If you don’t know your rapier from your samurai you probably shouldn’t be writing about swords or battles.
As long as you don’t make mistake number one – dumping too much information, then you can sprinkle details to your hearts content.
Isaac, does this in bucket loads. She starts with character names, all Irish, all mythical. Something I did struggle with at the start because they were alien to me. But, once I got my head around the pronunciation, it actually made it easier to read as all the characters were so different, I always knew exactly who was who.
But she doesn’t stop with names. Isaac has a gift for scattering gorgeous details in everywhere. From the weapons they use, the clothing they wear, to the mythical creatures bone structure. There is nothing, and I do mean nothing, that Isaac hasn’t researched.
But my favourite example of how she weaves details into her story is through the environment. Isaac is lucky enough to live in Ireland and has visited every site she writes about. You can tell. Every atom of her setting is portrayed beautifully, from the way the water ripples in the wind, to the smell of woodsmoke during certain festivals.
“All the entrances faced the centre, almost as if they were worshipping the larger mound. Their open doorways gaped like toothless mouths.”
There’s no way, if you hadn’t visited that site, you could have known the doorway looked like a gummy mouth. What I find most daunting about this – is I write about made up settings… *gulp*
Ali, you are the queen of detail, never failing to capture the minutest of details about your stories world. As writers, we know we can’t information dump, and you have already told me you use a fraction of what you learn. So, how do you determine what details to use, and what to leave out?
It has to be very relevant to your protagonists experiences. If it’s nice to have, but doesn’t actually move the story on, you just have to cut it, you don’t need it. The dreaded info dump slows the pace of a story so much and bores the reader to tears, or even worse, closing the book and falling asleep. You can be sure they won’t pick it up when they wake. Info dumps show you know a lot of stuff, but it doesn’t make for a good story. Decide what you absolutely need to set the scene, give your hero their incentive to act, and drip feed it throughout the story as you need it, not all at once.
Mistake 3 Mistaking accuracy for beauty
Isaac is notorious for being a field agent and getting out to the places where her myths actually happened. She frequently blogs about her travels and discoveries, and I didn’t appreciate the extent to which she assimilates her knowledge.
I’d assumed accuracy meant getting names and places correct, with a pinch of dates and bobs your uncle. But actually, it’s much more than that, including painting an ugly picture when one is needed. Almost like torture your protagonist, you need to torture your history and world building.
Often one can get swept up in the magnificence of architecture and the richness of history. But actually that isn’t what accuracy is, and a reflection of my (or your) starstruck face on the front of an historical site shouldn’t end up in your work of fiction.
For example, Isaac sets her story in two worlds, today, and the fairy world of the Sidhe. Both are linked by the treasures and magical architecture now found in Ireland.
What struck me, is that just because something is supposed to be a work of architectural beauty, doesn’t mean it is. But that is something you would only know if you researched the location.
This quote illustrates this brilliantly:
“The Lia Fail stood proudly before them, approximately four feet high, and made from a lump of rough grey granular limestone. It looked disappointingly like a concrete bollard to Conor.”
Question – It’s easy to get swept up in the rich beauty and emotional power of historical sites. I recall Conor’s reaction to Lia Fail as disappointment. What do you do to ensure you accurately capture the essence of a location for your novel?
Conor’s reaction to the Lia Fail was actually mine. In my second book, I describe how I believe such an important monument would have originally appeared. Often, I visit a site first before researching it, as there are no preconceived ideas or expectations about it that way. I take lots of pictures, and videos too. The most important thing of all is you HAVE to go to a site you are going to write about. You just have to. You can’t rely on Google or other people’s interpretations. To write authentically you have to go there, and that’s the bottom line. Unfortunately, you can always tell in a book if an author knows the place he/ she is writing about. It shines off the page and leaves you in no doubt.
Mistake 4 Not Connecting The Dots
Isaac’s story isn’t just predicated on one myth. It’s based on them ALL. I honestly don’t know how she amassed so many myths and amalgamated them into something that is not only coherent, but translatable and understandable to someone like me, who has zero knowledge of Irish myths.
But we don’t all write mythology. So what’s my point? And how can connecting a dozen myths together help writers from other genres?
My point is this:
Look outside the box. Sure, you don’t want to spend the rest of your life researching, but actually sometimes drifting off in a tangent can help.
Let me give you an example:
Say you’re writing a steampunk novel, and you need to know about trains. So you search for images and see a picture of a woman with a floor length gown with a funny sticky out bum. You find out it’s called a bustle, but then as you scroll on, you start to read about woman in the Victorian era, the suppression and later, Emily Pankhurst’s fight for the vote. All of a sudden, you have an idea. You wanted to know about train chimneys, but instead, you are weaving in deeper societal conflict into your steampunk novel. Your story is thicker, richer and grittier, all because you connected the dots.
Your books link dozens of myths, and entwine them into something coherent. When connecting all these individual myths together, how do you cope with such a mass of information, and what tricks do you use to smooth it into something that makes sense?
Irish mythology is not logical, and it’s very hard to make sense of. The names of the characters are all tongue-twisters, and there’s so many of them. But some stories just click. Something about them resonates, and won’t let go. Those are the ones I tell in my stories, and honestly, they just fall into place. Its as if they want their stories to be remembered, that’s how it feels to me, anyway.
You can buy Isaac’s book from Amazon UK or Amazon USA
Ali Isaac lives in rural Ireland and is the author of two books in a trilogy based on Irish mythology and a disabled hero; a book of love stories based on tales from Irish mythology co-authored with Jane Dougherty, and most recently, a book re-telling some of her favourite Irish myths. She regularly writes for Irish Central and Brigid’s Fire magazine. Ali is currently working on the third and final book of The Tir na Nog Trilogy, and a YA shapeshifter novella, also based on Irish mythology.
You will find Ali pottering about most days on her blog, Facebook author page, or tweeting. Her books are available on Smashwords, Amazon.com, and Amazon.co.uk.
Conor Kelly is not your average hero. He can’t walk. He can’t talk, but his mind is as active and alert as that of any teenage boy. On the outside, however, he’s about as interactive as a lump of wood.
Then he meets Annalee. She claims to be a Sidhe Princess, some kind of fairy royalty, apparently. She offers to take him into the magical realm, where her people wield the power to help him.
But is she just some child-snatching lunatic psychopath, or can she be trusted? On the other hand, what’s he got to lose?
He soon discovers that Tir na Nog is not the benign, dreamy land of legend. Nor are its inhabitants, the Sidhe, the benevolent fairy folk of Irish mythology. To accept their help has a cost, but for someone who doesn’t value his life, death is a risk worth taking.
With the blood of Lugh, God of Lightning, tingling in his veins, the boy in the wheelchair must dig deep, if he is to unlock the inherited powers dormant within him. Only he can defy disgraced Sidhe-King, Bres, who seeks to avenge himself on his brethren, and subject all mankind to his tyranny.
In the race to recover the legendary lost talismans of power, the Four Treasures of Eirean, before Bres gets his hands on them and becomes invincible, Conor begins to wonder just whose side Annalee is on, as her chequered past comes to light.
There are other obstacles, too; Ruairi, the Chieftain’s son, and worse, his own crippling self-doubt. Not that anything’s going to stop him. For the first time in his life, Conor finds he is not restricted by his physical limitations. Still, it’s not going to be easy.
Nothing worth fighting for ever is.
Book One of The Tir na Nog Trilogy begins an epic fantasy adventure which takes us back in time to the shadowy past of Ireland’s long lost legend, where fairy Kings and Gods walked amongst mortals, and where feats of magic, swordsmanship and courage were customary.
Here amidst the ancient stones of Newgrange and Tara, Conor discovers that anyone, no matter how unlikely, can still be a hero.
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Thanks Sacha! Glad you liked it… you make me sound like a real author! Lol! ?
Reblogged this on Barrow Blogs: .
Thanks Judith ??
Always welcome, Sacha
Reblogged this on Helen Treharne and commented:
Some good tips here, as well as a well written review. Thanks Sacha Black!
Thanks so much Helen – really appreciate your kind share.
What a fascinating post, Sacha. I loved reading about Ali and her books. Her research into and knowledge of Irish mythology sounds massive. I know a little of it but not a lot. Some of the books I read were too difficult to get into. Ali’s sound like fun. Thanks for sharing her work here and drawing out the writing points that you gleaned from reading.
Thanks Norah – appreciate the comments as I am sure Ali will too ?
Norah I know what you mean! Some of those stories were written in the 1800s, and the earlier original direct translations are very hard to follow. I cant read them cover to cover, it’s harder to understand than Shakespeare lol! I just do a bit at a time, and every time I do, I come away with something new.
I think that’s probably the best way to do it, particularly if you want to read the original (in translation). I have found even some of the versions for children a little difficult to follow. 🙂
Interesting way to review. Well done
Thanks ? you will get the same treatment! ?
What does that mean? U genuinely will.
I’m just wondering at the lessons you might draw alongside… ‘Hoe not to write’ ‘when editing is a must’ ‘ten things you should never do’
Pahaha, ye of little faith! I am certain I will learn much from you Le Pard. Ur a literary writer for a start, how to be funnyish, how to write about vintage… I mean retro.. I mean… Umm. Awkward
you mean old and nearly decrepit…
? at least u take it well ?
Very helpful! Thanks!
Great post. Have to admit that it’s really hard to balance #1 and #2. Especially when some readers need more details and others get annoyed at even a few sentences of information. This is why I take the ‘as long as I’m happy’ approach to them. Though I’m not a good person to go by. My present tense writing style makes it hard to reveal information outside of dialogue and descriptions. The whole balancing act might be easier than I realize.
That’s a jolly good point Charles – I think you are right, it is a hard balance to achieve. You’re right on your second point too – I think we should all just write for ourselves and be happy with what we do, and not do it for others. I highly doubt its an easy thing to achieve though!
Probably not. Everyone’s a critic rings a lot truer in the age of Amazon.
Wonderful post and full of good advice which I will remember to take on board.
Thanks so much for reading it ?
Wonderful post. I’ve read these books and they are outstanding. Ali is a wonderful author and friend.
Thanks Craig, glad you agree ?
Reblogged this on Windlight Magazine and commented:
Great tips!
Thanks so much for the share
Ooh! I love those first two posts and I’ve been wanting to read this by Ali. Love the review/writing tips approach. And this one is fantastic.
Thanks Sarah – I think this is such useful approach to take for me. It means I constantly learn rather than sitting back and just letting novels pass me by 🙂 <3
That’s great and all, lovel, but it’s a useful approach for us readers of your blog, too. :-p <3 (No…kidding. I'm thrilled you've found a way to read an enjoyable novel (not a research or writing book), review, and learn all in one.) It's brilliant, really.
Paha! Ok, fair. But like. Blush!
Lovel? Did I just call you a “lovel”? That’s fun. I think I’ve made up a new word. Interesting. (Can’t even blame auto-correct for that one…) O_o
I mean. I have no idea what it is. But I think it’s good. So we will go with it, a word weaving lovel!
What a wonderful review and interview. I love how you connected the two. Now I’m heading over to buy the book. Thanks, Sacha!
Hehe, thanks Diana, appreciate it – and I am sure Ali will appreciate you reading her book too 🙂
I do, I do indeed! ?
It’s already in my ipad 🙂
Thank you Diana!
I have my copy! Looking forward to the read…definitely 🙂
Thanks! ?
Having read Ali’s Two books (and drumming my fingers waiting for the third), plus Grá mo Chroí: Love Stories from Irish Myth, written in collaboration with Jane Dougherty, I can tell you that you’re in for further treats Sacha ???
Ooh *squeal* cannot wait. Was a cracking first book. She’s proper talented. I’ve read lots of her recent stuff but the other books are on my pile ??
Get them off the pile and in front of your eyeballs Sacha ?????
What an interesting and inspiring post. Great to know more about Ali and her books 🙂
Thanks Esther – glad you liked it – will be one like this for urs soon too ?
Great. Thank you so much. That would be wonderful:-)
Great post with lots of useful information. I find research fascinating and exciting but realise readers might not want to know everything I’ve dug up on the subject! I love Ali’s blog – didn’t realise it was her solution to the information dump problem! 🙂
Haha, I know right – genius method of not OTT’ing it in your stories. Glad you love her blog – she’s on the bash committee – and will be there on the 11th so you can meet her. I love a bit of book research too – feel like I become a bit of a jack of all trades though – bit of info on this, bit of info on that!
I also have Grá mo Chroí: Love Stories from Irish Myth on tbr pile on my Kindle. It would be great to meet her. Better to be a jack of all trades than a specialist on only one thing – you’d miss such a lot that way.
Reblogged this on Jane Dougherty Writes and commented:
Great story from a great writer.
Thanks for the reblog Jane <3
Say enough to enchant but not so much to drown in the informations well. So difficult if you find odd facts and research so fascinating.
Great tips and review.
Thank you – you got it exactly right. But like you say, for anyone who’s a guru in a topic that’s a hard thing to do.
I’ve come across a lot of new writers who feel they need to dump all information at any pertinent point, so you end up with paragraphs which might as well be highlighted as “this is my homework, honest”. I want the research to seem seamless, not underlined!
haha, that’s a hilarious way to put it! And you are so right. It’s bloody annoying. No one cares if you’re a know it all, we just want you to write well!
Hope you’re doing a little better this week ?
Wow Sacha, your writing analytical skills are truly amazing. You could be so many things with your insights: writer, editor, book reviewer, teacher, the list is endless. As for Ali, what a fantastic writer! I now can’t wait to read her book on my TBR, even though it too isn’t my typical reading genre. So perhaps I’ll add salesman to your list of talent. 🙂 xo
So I read this, and had to come back before I could respond because I was so touched and didn’t know what to say. I would love to teach writing, but don’t think I am anywhere near good enough at picking up grammar errors to do it. But the fact you said it really REALLY means a lot to me. I guess I am just so ridiculously over the top passionate about writing that I love EVERY aspect and have to devour everything to do with it!! does that make me a geek?! I think I can live with that! I am glad you will read it – I hope you like it as much as I did. She really is so talented at painting a world, and the protagonist, I can’t say I have ever read a fantasy story with a disabled child as the main character. It was challenging to my preconceptions, it was beautiful and educational and so different. <3
Sach, I’d be proud to be called a writing geek! Don’t shun the thought! You’re growing by leaps and bounds. Talk to me in a year from now, and see how much you grow. Sometimes when I look back at stuff from a year ago, I surprise myself! <3
Oh no, don’t get me wrong, I love the fact I’m a geek! I was a geek at school too! I mean it in a loving prodding fun at myself kind of way :p. But you are right, and timely too, I actually looked back at some of the assignments I first wrote on my course and was disgusted,gobsmacked, amazed and delighted to see how bad they were…. because it meant I have got better! (I hope anyway!! hahaha) :p <3 If I can do that in a little over a year, where does that mean I will be in another…. Maybe meeting you at a book launch?!
Yay! Now pat yourself on the back! 🙂
What a great review, much better than mine! I agree with you on nearly every point especially about how she has masterfully avoided the info dump.
Thanks Eric – ooh link me to your review I’d love to read it
Read it quick I’m about to copy and paste your review in and pretend it’s mine!
Haha – I just read it ? glad you liked it too
Such great tips extracted from a great review. I think the resulting novel is the tip of the iceberg of information that informs it. I like Ali’s practical approaches to her creative expression. It’s encouraging to read both your gleaning and Ali’s advice. Thanks for this!
I think you are right Charli – it is just the tip of the iceberg – I often tell Ali she is so knowledgable she could be a professor!
She could write magazine articles, too! That would get her book out to targeted readers if she pitched and wrote for niche magazines regarding her topic.And yes, she can do presentations, workshops and classes!
She does write magazine articles! For an Irish mag actually! I forget it’s name though. But you are so right ?? find your niche and fill it hey!
Hi. I’m visiting from Ali’s Champions Award post… congratulation on the nomination! 🙂
I haven’t read Conor Kelly yet, but I have read other stories by Ali. They do have a strong evocative feeling to them, and I think that’s because she knows the matter so well. When you know something deep (because you’ve experienced it or because you’ve researched it extencively) it becomes second nature to you and that’s when it becomes natural for you to use it.
I think you nailed down the principles. Avoiding info dump is what I see more often in stories that have been researched heavily. For the reason you said: you feel sorry to leave out so much… which is human, but it’s bad for the story.
And I love the last point, connecting the dots. That happens all the time and if we are open to new info, our story always benefits.
I’m a historical writer, that’s why I was so taken with your article.
I write about Roaring Twenties Chicago (with a speculative twist) and what I try to do to avoid the mistakes you pointed out is this: I write taking for granted that all my readers will know what I’m talking about, but having in mind they probably won’t. If this makes any sense 😉
Thanks for sharing.
Hey, told you I would be back to reply to this comment too. I agree, I have read lots of Ali’s stuff, and she definitely writes with a) passion, b) emotion, and c) a serious serious amount of knowledge.
Thank you for the compliments on the post. Wow 20’s chicago – I reckon I would like your books. :). Thanks for reading 🙂
Wow, this sounds so amazing, love myths and legends, must read Ali’s books!!!
Hope you do they’re great ??
What a great way to write a review Sacha – and an excellent one too, I love the way you present Ali’s books and writing. I know I don’t get over to your blogs as much I would like at the moment, but from the posts I’ve already read, I really love the way you glean so much about the writing process from everything you read. You clearly demonstrate the excellent way Ali finds the perfect balance, giving just the right touch in her stories from her vast knowledge and research while sharing what she doesn’t use on her wonderful blog. As a memoir writer, I read all this with great interest, which I’ll share more about in my other comment! Phew, you’re giving me a lot of food for thought this morning Sacha and Ali…love it though, and thank you both!! <3
Thanks Sherri, I’m glad you like it. I write all my reviews like this now. Or at least for the blog anyway, I write a proper review for indies only on amazon and goodreads etc. I read consciously now, I had to teach myself to do it, specifically so I could learn every morsel I could from authors! It’s almost like theft!!! except in a flattering way!! Thanks for reading so many posts Sherri <3 <3
What a great post! I love Ali’s books and I love your takeaways, esp “you need to torture your history and world building”. Thanks so much to both of you.
Thanks Barb her books ARE amazing ?