This is it. The waiting is finally over.
The THIRD Annual Bloggers Bash Awards 2017 are now OPEN FOR VOTING.
We had a HUGE number of nominations. Hundreds of them in fact! So thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate your fave bloggers.
Voting Closes June 2nd at 12pm. The winners will be announced on June 10th at the Bash in London. But if you can’t make it physically a winners post will go live at 5:15pm (BST) on the same day. Winners will have pingbacks to their blogs, but we all know how unreliable that is. So please make sure you check back to see if you won.
If you haven’t bought your ticket for the meet up yet, you can do so here.
TO THE VOTERS – Choose carefully, you can only vote ONCE per award. There are 10 awards, (so this is a long post). Yes, you can vote in each category, but only once in every one.
TO THE NOMINEES – Good luck to you all. Every nomination is really well deserved and as a result, this year we are doing things a little differently. Winners will have their prizes and certificates shipped to them as well as their winner’s badges emailed. However, all nominees will be entitled to a Bloggers Bash nominee badge once the voting is over.
Don’t forget to follow all the fun in our Facebook group, on Twitter, or using the Hashtag #BloggersBash. We also have a mailing list which ALWAYS gives you the most up to date info before anyone else.
Disclaimer: The committee has done their best to coordinate the nominations and to ensure, where possible, we gave nominees a choice of which category they wanted to be in. Due to time constraints and limited resources, this may not have always been possible. In addition, the committee is not responsible for the quality of information nominators gave. The committee uses the information it is given. This year we specifically requested the ‘NAME OF YOUR BLOG’ not your first name. Therefore this is what we are displaying. If your name has been displayed incorrectly, you can contact us and request a change by emailing While the committee will endeavor to make changes promptly we neither guarantee to make those changes nor do we guarantee to do so in a certain time frame.
Please note, there is usually a large number of comments on this post. Therefore, all the committee will be helping to respond to comments as I’ll be at work when this goes live!
The nominees are as follows:
Inside The Life of Moi, Barb Taub, Bun Karyudo, Fatty McCupcakes, Nutsrok, Monster in the Next Room, Ned’s Blog, Snicky-snacks, Tara Sparling Writes, The Gay Stepdad
The criteria, in case you forgot, is: Which blogger continually makes you laugh out loud? Has someone made you laugh so hard you cried? Maybe you snorted drink through your nose at one of their jokes. Who’s the funniest blogger of them all?
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First inspirational blogger. The nominees are as follows:
Annette Rochelle Aben, Carrot Ranch, Erika Kind, Out an’ About – Loving Life On and Off The Tracks, Books, Thoughts and a few Adventures…, Syl65’s Blog, Tina Frisco, Travel Between The Pages, Brilliance Within, You Are Awesome, Younfolded, Shelley Wilson, The Writing Garnet
The criteria is: Who consistently inspires you? Is there a blogger that’s thought provoking and inquisitive? Or perhaps they have become a muse to you with constant provision of inspirational content or imagery? Who’s the one blogger that’s touched your heart? This is the nomination for them.
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Black books blog, Chat About Books, Tales of Yesterday Book Blog, FictionFan’s Book Reviews, Judith Barrow, Life of a Nerdish Mum, Little Bookness Lane, Olga Author Translator, Rosie Amber, Tea Party Princess, The Book Blogger, The Book Review Cafe, Reading Matters, Linda’s Book Bag, 746 Books, CrimeBookJunkie, Swirl & Thread, Bibliophile Book Club, Portobello Book blog, Cleopatra Loves Books
The criteria is: Which book reviewer do you love? This isn’t about being prolific this is about quality reviews. Who’s the most thoughtful reviewer? Perhaps their thoughts on a book persuaded you to read it, maybe they use their blog as a platform for authors as well, or perhaps you love them for their scathing honesty!
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The nominees are as follows:
A Little But a Lot, Always Trust In Books, Anne Bonny Book Reviews, Write of Might, Bloomin’ Brilliant Books, Bookstormer, Emily Green, Global Housesitter x2, Kristin’s Novel Cafe, Novel Deelights, Short Book and Scribes, Love Books Group, Robbie’s Inspiration
The criteria is: This is for bloggers who have been blogging less than a year.
Who joined the bloggisphere with a bang? Perhaps they are funny, or well designed, or maybe their posts make you smile time after time. Whatever the reason, this is for a newbie blogger that you think deserves recognition.
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The nominees are as follows:
JM Randolph – Accidental Stepmom, AKA Daddy, Baattyaboutbooks, Below The Blanket Fort, Clockwork Clouds, Jot To Jot, Expat Journal: Postcards from the Edge, Grab This Book, My Life of Syn and Denial by Devon J Hall, Arwenaragornstar, Oriana’s Notes, Perfectly Imperfect Mom, Waffle Me This, Samantha Murdoch Blog, Shallow Reflections, Chelle’s Book Reviews, Strange Goings On In The Shed, The Earl of Southampton’s Cat, A Girl and Her Passport, Whippet Wisdom.Com, Willowdot21, Traci York – Writer, The Quiet Knitter, Jen Med’s Book Reviews, Book Lovers’ Booklist, My Chestnut Reading Tree
The criteria is: Which blog doesn’t get the notoriety they deserve? Maybe you stumbled on them by chance, and discovered a minefield of information. Maybe they make you smile or have such an original style you can’t help but go back.
Who would you like to have the limelight for a change? This is the award for them.
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100 Or Less, Bits about Books, Dan Alatorre – Author, EDM Editorial & Publicity Services, Graeme Cumming, Harsh Reality, Random Things Through My Letterbox, Damp Pebbles.Com, Elena Peters
The criteria is: Who’s the kindest blogger of them all? Which blogger goes out of their way to help others? Maybe someone helped you kick start your blog with tutorials or maybe they continually reblogs your posts. Perhaps someone consistently provides useful posts on how to boost your own blog. Or maybe you want to nominate someone who provides a platform for others.
Who do you want to thank for their dedication to other bloggers?
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Fictorians, Jaffa Reads Too, Mostly Blogging, Nicholas C. Rossis, Novel Gossip, Odds n Sods: A miscellany, The Twisted Yarn, The Book Trail, The Purple Almond, Travel Tales of Life, Pen and Pension, Icy Sedgwick, Smorgasbord – Variety is the Spice of Life
The criteria is: This award is for those bloggers with the most informative original content. Who, time and time again writes fascinating content. Perhaps they are a history blogger, maybe, a blogger who writes about writing craft, or maybe they like archaeology, or wine tasting, or perhaps they are an artist or musician. The topic could be anything, what were looking for is a blogger who shares a wealth of knowledge that they have carefully researched and pulled together themselves.
Who do you find yourself longing to read because of their content? This is the nomination for them.
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Books from Dusk Till Dawn, D.G. Kaye Writer, Edwina’s Episodes, Fiction Is Food, Linda Seccaspina, So Texan Blog, Steve McSteveface, Colleen Chesebro – Fairy Whisperer, Thoughts by Mello-Elo, By The Letter Book Reviews, Being Anne, Lemon Shark, Chapter In My Life
The criteria is: Which blogger do you want to go to the pub with? Or maybe have dinner with? Who never fails to reply to comments, and has thoughtful things to say. Maybe they encourage the community through weekly challenges or blog parties. Who wouldn’t the blogging world be the same without?
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Dandelions Inspired, Stories and More, Teagan’s Books, The Wandering Darlings, But I Smile Anyway, Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo, Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog
The criteria is:
This award is for the blogger who has the best overall blog. Who is the blogger that for you, excels in a variety of categories? Perhaps they’re sociable and engage with readers, maybe they share others posts, or have a writing style that keeps you coming back time and time again.
Whoever you choose needs to be an all rounder, a blogger that for you is head and shoulders above the rest.
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That’s it folks, remember to get your ticket and to follow us on social media: Our Facebook group, on Twitter, or using the Hashtag #BloggersBash. We also have a mailing list which ALWAYS gives you the most up to date info before anyone else.
Would love to get involved in this next year as a blogger myself this is amazing for bloggers, gd luck to all nominees x
You’re welcome too, look forward to seeing you here next year 🙂
Fantastic! Have made my votes – some categories very tough to choose. Good luck to everyone and hope one day to be there with you all at The Blogger’s Bash!
Thanks for voting Wendy 😀