I am going to run a series of writing tips posts, and a series of writing inspiration posts. As an aspiring writer myself, I am constantly researching and reading other peoples blogs and tips, so I figured why not share the nuggets of wisdom I’ve found for all the other aspiring writers out there.
Scene Lists –
When drawing up your novel structure, something to think about is a scene list – akin to an outline – it helps to formalise the order and details of your scenes – in order. If you use a spreadsheet or table it also makes it super easy to rearrange them. Plus when you need to quickly remember your story – or certain aspects this sheet will provide an easy to read, easy to navigate summary for you.
Key things to include in your scene structure:
- Chapter title
- Chapter number
- Summary sentences of content / key action points
- Proposed word count
- Actual word count
- Scene location
- Any foreshadowing
Theres a link here to nine famous authors scene charts.
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