“Writing to market” isn’t new. But when teachers talk about it they focus on understanding the market, advertising, brand and pitch. But what about the writing and craft of writing to market? If you’re tired of trying to work out how to deliver what readers want, then this is the workshop for you.
Announcing my first ever LIVE webinar. Come and join me for a two hour workshop (and 30 mins Q&A). There is going to be much nerding out about all things craft, prose, hooks, and delivering a product that readers want.
Do you look on wistfully at those authors going viral on TikTok and instagram? The authors hitting the top charts and wondering how the hell they’re doing it? This workshop is for you.
Prose in the Market Webinar Information:
I am running three session times to try and accommodate as many timezones as I can (more on this below). Each of the three workshops will be the same, you only need to attend one.
In this session, I’ll explain:
- How to deconstruct bestselling books and implement the tools you find in your own work
- An easy three step methodology for deconstruction
- Practical examples of deconstruction and implementation in your own work
- Why you’re not using copywriting enough
- How to intentionally slip TikTok-able/Marketable scenes into your novels that will hook readers
- Examples of viral hooks that work on social media (and why)
- What’s in a hook and how you can create your own
- The craft of tropes
- Live deconstruction using examples from those in the session
You’ll also receive a workbook containing exercises for you to implement all the things you learn during the session.
And best of all, there’s a thirty minute question and answer session at the end where you can ask me anything you like. If you can’t make it but still want the class, grab a ticket and email me the questions in advance and I’ll be sure to answer them during the session.
Session Times and Dates:
- Friday 9th Feb 2024 at 7pm BST (11am PST, 2pm EST, and 8am Sat 9th Auckland (DST NZDT) sign up here.
- Saturday 10th Feb 4pm BST (8am PST, 11am EST, 5am Sunday 11th (DST NZDT) sign up here.
- Saturday 10th Feb 8pm BST (12pm PST, 3pm EST, 9am Sunday 11th (DST NZDT) sign up here.
Will this session be recorded? Will the recording be available for sale?
The session will be recorded. The recording will only be available to ticket-holders. I will not sell the recording. I am only doing these as live sessions. When I teach, I love to see everyone’s reactions and get audience participation. But depending on demand, I may run more of them in the future.
Why are there so many sessions? Do I need to attend all three?
No you don’t. Pick one session and attend that. The sessions are all the same. I’m doing this to make sure that people in different time zones get the chance to attend.
You said there are limited tickets, what happens if they sell out? Can I still attend?
Er… no. Tickets are limited and once they’re gone they’re gone.
Yes absolutely, there will be time for questions at the end, but you can ask them throughout too.
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