I read an article once, that said our brains are incapable of creating faces from scratch. I have no proof backing this up, but it seems a reasonable enough suggestion given the complexity of faces. …
Writespiration #25
Do you have any regrets? Have you ever said something you wish you hadn't? Something you wish you could have said differently? What if you didn't say anything? What about your character? Is there …
Interview with James Howell – Author of the Disturbed Girl Trilogy
If you would like to be featured like this on my blog, drop me a line. I first found 'A Disturbed Girl's Guide to Curing Boredom' in DIVA, a magazine for lesbians. It had the tiniest of blurbs (as …
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Writespiration #24
What's your worst fear? Not your characters, but yours? Write about it, it's either therapy, or inspiration! …
The Crafting Characters Series #3 The Ultimate Character Sheet
I have tried to avoid doing character sheets for a REALLY long time. It's not that I am lazy. I'm passionate and excited about my stories and characters. So coming to the conclusion I need to go back …
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Writespiration #23
I've been thinking about my characters a lot recently, and have created a series on crafting characters, which you can see, here, here and here. But something that came from the character journal …