Not everybody thinks the same way. Ok, that obvious. But what does it mean for your writing? I am incredibly visual. So for me, when I read, my eyes switch off; I just see images. When I think, …
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Daylight Savings Time + Toddlers
Ahhhh, the dreaded clock change that happens twice yearly.... that sacred extra hour you usually get in bed...pre parenthood. WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE PEOPLE!!! Babies apparently don't appreciate this …
Writing Tips #3 The Evil INTJ – The Supervillain
Ok, so I promise that I won't constantly talk about Myers Briggs, it is only because I wrote that first post, and then found this blog by Mandy Wallace, about traditional 'evil' characters and that …
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Forget terrible twos, why didn't anyone tell me about the terrible ten months?
As I promised, this would be a blog of two halves, partly about my life as a mum, writer, and worker bee, and partly about writing, and my quest to get published. So, this is a motherhood …
WriteTips #2 Myers Briggs and Character Development
I am a real proponent of Myers Briggs (MB) at the best of times, I have done the test twice, and come out with the same profile. When I first learnt about MB it kinda blew my mind. If you do the …
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Write Tips #1 Scene Lists
I am going to run a series of writing tips posts, and a series of writing inspiration posts. As an aspiring writer myself, I am constantly researching and reading other peoples blogs and tips, so I …