In part one, I outlined why I didn't like constructive criticism. As a brief summary, You damage yourself, It makes you feel like shit, Criticism is negative, Criticism slows you down, Asking for …
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Writespiration #30
If this inspired you let me know, if you managed a poem or short or flash story post it below and I will publish it on my next writespiration. …
Writing Challenge Submissions
I've participated in two writing challenges this week. I find it hard to do one usually, but for some reason my muse was with me this week. I don't usually share my challenge responses on my own blog, …
The Reading Like a Writer Series #4 Do You Really Need the Classics?
Don't judge me...I'm about to admit a really dirty secret... I've never read a classic. There, I said it. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth. I know it's awful, believe me. But I did say no …
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Writespiration #29
I think it's an interesting thought, to recognise and even inflict situations on our characters that make them act completely out of character. We strive really hard to ensure consistency with all our …
Writespiration #28
I cheated a bit with this one, I just finished writing the chapter before my novel started. I chose to write it from a different characters perspective, and oddly enough, it helped me to not only …